Course code 10 36 1603 00
Number of ECTS points 5
Course title in the language of instruction
Conventional and Future Energy Sources
Course title in Polish Conventional and Future Energy Sources (Tradycyjne i alternatywne źródła energii)
Course title in English
Conventional and Future Energy Sources
Language of instruction English
Form of classes
Lecture Tutorials Laboratory Project Seminar Other Total of teaching hours during semester
Contact hours 15 15 30 0 60
E-learning No No No No No No
Assessment criteria (weightage) 0.30 0.30 0.40 0.00
Unit running the course Katedra Inżynierii Środowiska
Course coordinator dr hab. inż. Dariusz Heim
Course instructors mgr inż. Dominika Knera, mgr inż. Michał Krempski-Smejda, dr inż. Eliza Szczepańska-Rosiak, dr inż. Anna Wieprzkowicz
Course learning outcomes
  1. Knowledge of the conventional and future energy sources as well as energy generation, distribution and storage.
  2. Ability to formulate and solve problems in the field of the conventional and future energy sources.
Programme learning outcomes
  1. knowledge of the conventional and future energy sources as well as energy generation, distribution and storage
  2. knowledge of the current practices in building design, principles of sustainable design
  3. knowledge of the smart home and future cities
  4. ability to formulate and solve problems of energy systems in built environment
  5. ability to communicate on specialist topics in mulitidisciplinary team
  6. ability to critically assess and analyse exsisting technologies related to energy systems in built environment
  7. readiness to critically aproach to specialist experise and obtained results
Programme content After the course, student will have knowledge about conventional and future energy sources as well as trends in energy production. During the course the issues related to: basic concepts in the field of energy production, environmental impact and economic aspects of various types of energy sources will be presented.
Assessment methods
Exam (written)
Learning outcomes: 1.
Assessment criteria: positive evaluation of the laboratory and tutorials allows students to sit a written exam; marks related to the percentage of correct answers: >55% - 3.0, >70% - 4.0, >85% - 5.0. 

Learning outcomes: 1 and 2.
Assessment criteria: academic content (0.50), quality of management (0.25), quality of communication (0.25), mark from 2.0 to 5.0.

Report/test from laboratories
Learning outcomes: 1 and 2.
Assessment criteria: oral/written test (0.50), quality of report (0.25), critical approach to obtained results (0.25), mark from 2.0 to 5.0.

Grading policies The final mark is calculated as a weighted arithmetic mean based on the positive results from: Exam - 40% Laboratory - 40% Presentation - 20%
Course content The module will cover the following topics: 1. The type of energy sources, energy conversion processes. Trends in energy production. 2. Energy resources in the world - theoretical, technical, economic and practical aspects. 3. Basic concepts of solar energy, possibilities, limitations. Types of solar energy conversion (photothermal, photoelectric, photochemical conversion). 4. Characteristics of wind energy transformation, types and construction of wind farms. 5. Basic issues in the field of hydropower: water turbines, geothermal energy, low temperature thermal energy of the seas and oceans. General characteristics of marine, osmotic and waves energy. 6. Future and alternative energy sources such as: nanomaterials, waste heat recovery, new type of fuel cells, biofuels, thermoelectric effects. 7. Storage in walls, in DHW and in batteries to target near 0 energy building.
Basic reference materials
  1. Incropera Frank P., David P. Dewitt, Theodore L. Bergman Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer 2007 John Wiley & Sons New Jersey
  2. Dorota Chwieduk, Solar Energy in Buildings, 2014 Elsevier
  3. Krzysztof Mudryk, Sebastian Werle, Renewable Energy Sources: Engineering, Technology, Innovation, 2018, Springer.
  4. J. F. Manwell J. G. McGowan A. L. Rogers Wind Energy Explained: Theory, Design and Application, Second Edition 2009 John Wiley & Sons
  5. Hermann-Josef Wagner, Jyotirmay Mathur Introduction to Hydro Energy Systems: Basics, Technology and Operation 2011, Springer.
  6. Finn R. F?rsund Hydropower economics. 1993, Spinger.
Other reference materials
  1. Other academic handbooks of physics available to the student, sets of tasks. Repetitory courses of physics, heat transfer
Average student workload outside classroom
Updated on 2024-02-23 11:43:04
Archival course yes/no no